Once the sides were complete, I then moved on to the bottom and middle shelves, and the top. The three plywood pieces were identical in size, so I cut them all at once. I tried to pay special attention to cut the panels so the center line of the veneer face wound up in the middle. All three panels were edged with a piece of solid oak that, in addition to covering the plywood edge, will hold the slides where the door will be mounted. The middle and bottom shelves were given an additional 1/4" thick piece of oak that overhangs the front edge of the shelf by 3/8" and will cover the slide mechanism when the door is shut. Also, I cut a couple of holes in the top plywood piece where I can slip the wires through for the halogen lights.
After the shelves were dry and sanded, I cut biscuit slots in the shelf edges to match corresponding biscuit slots in the case sides.
Next, it's time to glue up the carcass.
Go back to see the construction of the side assemblies and the back.
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This page last updated on 06/28/2018